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Marquette Area Public Schools
Bothwell Middle School
Cherry Creek Elementary School
Graveraet Elementary School
Marquette Alternative High School
Marquette Senior High School Sentinels
Sandy Knoll Elementary School
Superior Hills Elementary School
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Marquette Alternative
High School
Marquette Senior High School
Marquette Alternative High School
Bothwell Middle School
Cherry Creek Elementary School
Graveraet Elementary School
Sandy Knoll Elementary School
Superior Hills Elementary School
GED / Community Education
Building Directory
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Shiras Planetarium
Kaufman Auditorium
Auxiliary Services
District Information
Annual Report
District Events
Athletics Calendar
Auditorium Calendar
BoE Calendar
Building Calendars
MARESA Common Calendar
Planetarium Calendar
District Bulletin
Announcements from the Superintendent
Do you have a change of address?
Emergency Notification System
Section 504 Annual Notification
Coronavirus Response
COVID Resources & Documents
Welcome Back Newsletter
Elementary (K-5) Registration
School of Choice
Enroll Online
Family Life Advisory Committee
Freedom of Information Act
Kindergarten Registration
Why use online registration for Kindergarten
How does online registration work?
What kindergarten programs are being offered?
What is the minimum age requirement?
Difference between the kindergarten and jr k
What transportation is provided?
What curriculum is used in kindergarten?
What is the decision-making timeline?
What are the elementary start and end times?
What is the contact info of the buildings?
How does the lunch process work?
How does transportation to kindergarten work?
Where should registration materials be sent?
What if I want to enroll outside my boundary?
Open-enrollment (non-resident students)
Before and after school childcare
Info on Kindergarten Registration
MAPS Education Foundation
First to Finish
Seclusion and Restraint Policies
Snow Day Information
Strategic Planning
Title I
Phonemic Awareness
Reading Fluency
Reading Comprehension
Digital Text & Resources
Prompting Your Child
Title VI - Native American Education
Parent Committee Bylaws
NON Discrimination, anti-harassment, and non-retaliation (including title ix and elliott-larsen civil rights act)
Elementary Literacy Curriculum
District Departments
Central Administration
Human Resources
Food Services
Lunch Menus
Food Service Announcements
Food Service Announcement - Menu Adjustment
Online Free and Reduced Application
Online Payments
GED / Community Education
Maintenance / Auxiliary Services
Pesticide Advisories
Nurses Office
MCHD Child & Adolescent Health Services
Coronavirus Updates and Precautions
Special Education
MARESA Services
Tech Acceptable Use
Transportation Request Form
Transportation Announcements
Here Comes the Bus
Bus Routes
Board of Education
BoE Calendar
BoE Minutes & Agendas
BoE Negotiations
BoE Policies
BoE Announcements
Parent Resources
Back to School Packet
Before and After School Program
Bus Routes
Lunch Menus
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Mental Health Resources
Personal Curriculum
Schools Of Choice
Section 504 Information
Skyward Family Access
Student Work Permits
Transfer Forms
Resident In-District Transfer Request
Non-Resident Building Transfer Request
School of Choice
Transportation Request Form
Volunteer Form
Staff Resources
Skyward Employee Access
Educator Access Plus (EA+)
Library Links
Teacher & Staff Recognitions
MAPS Elementary Teacher of the Year
MAPS 6-12 Teacher of the Year
MAPS Support Staff of the Year
Other Awards
Requests for Bids
Food Services - Bread and Milk
Marquette Senior High School
Marquette Alternative High School
Bothwell Middle School
Cherry Creek Elementary School
Graveraet Elementary School
Sandy Knoll Elementary School
Superior Hills Elementary School
GED / Community Education
Building Directory
Central Office
Shiras Planetarium
Kaufman Auditorium
Auxiliary Services
District Information
Annual Report
District Events
Athletics Calendar
Auditorium Calendar
BoE Calendar
Building Calendars
MARESA Common Calendar
Planetarium Calendar
District Bulletin
Announcements from the Superintendent
Do you have a change of address?
Emergency Notification System
Section 504 Annual Notification
Coronavirus Response
COVID Resources & Documents
Welcome Back Newsletter
Elementary (K-5) Registration
School of Choice
Enroll Online
Family Life Advisory Committee
Freedom of Information Act
Kindergarten Registration
Why use online registration for Kindergarten
How does online registration work?
What kindergarten programs are being offered?
What is the minimum age requirement?
Difference between the kindergarten and jr k
What transportation is provided?
What curriculum is used in kindergarten?
What is the decision-making timeline?
What are the elementary start and end times?
What is the contact info of the buildings?
How does the lunch process work?
How does transportation to kindergarten work?
Where should registration materials be sent?
What if I want to enroll outside my boundary?
Open-enrollment (non-resident students)
Before and after school childcare
Info on Kindergarten Registration
MAPS Education Foundation
First to Finish
Seclusion and Restraint Policies
Snow Day Information
Strategic Planning
Title I
Phonemic Awareness
Reading Fluency
Reading Comprehension
Digital Text & Resources
Prompting Your Child
Title VI - Native American Education
Parent Committee Bylaws
NON Discrimination, anti-harassment, and non-retaliation (including title ix and elliott-larsen civil rights act)
Elementary Literacy Curriculum
District Departments
Central Administration
Human Resources
Food Services
Lunch Menus
Food Service Announcements
Food Service Announcement - Menu Adjustment
Online Free and Reduced Application
Online Payments
GED / Community Education
Maintenance / Auxiliary Services
Pesticide Advisories
Nurses Office
MCHD Child & Adolescent Health Services
Coronavirus Updates and Precautions
Special Education
MARESA Services
Tech Acceptable Use
Transportation Request Form
Transportation Announcements
Here Comes the Bus
Bus Routes
Board of Education
BoE Calendar
BoE Minutes & Agendas
BoE Negotiations
BoE Policies
BoE Announcements
Parent Resources
Back to School Packet
Before and After School Program
Bus Routes
Lunch Menus
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Mental Health Resources
Personal Curriculum
Schools Of Choice
Section 504 Information
Skyward Family Access
Student Work Permits
Transfer Forms
Resident In-District Transfer Request
Non-Resident Building Transfer Request
School of Choice
Transportation Request Form
Volunteer Form
Staff Resources
Skyward Employee Access
Educator Access Plus (EA+)
Library Links
Teacher & Staff Recognitions
MAPS Elementary Teacher of the Year
MAPS 6-12 Teacher of the Year
MAPS Support Staff of the Year
Other Awards
Requests for Bids
Food Services - Bread and Milk
Skip Sidebar Navigation
Teacher & Staff Recognitions
Building Directory
District Information
District Departments
Board of Education
Parent Resources
Staff Resources
Teacher & Staff Recognitions
MAPS Elementary Teacher of the Year
MAPS 6-12 Teacher of the Year
MAPS Support Staff of the Year
Other Awards
Requests for Bids
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Marquette Area Public Schools
Teacher & Staff Recognitions
Teacher & Staff Recognitions
MAPS 6-12 Teacher of the Year
MAPS Elementary Teacher of the Year
MAPS Support Staff of the Year
Other Awards
Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting
MI School Data